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利用常规气象资料和自动站资料,对2009年8月18日发生在塔尔湖地区1次暴雨过程进行分析,结果表明:⑴整个前汛期副高位置偏西,是造成巴彦淖尔市干旱的直接原因。⑵副高东退,东高西低形势建立,是塔尔湖暴雨形成的必要条件。⑶500hPa短波槽前正涡度区与700hPa暖切变区、地面暖锋切变区在阴山山脉南麓罕乌拉沟喇叭口地形上空垂直叠置,是产生塔尔湖暴雨的动力抬升条件,也是其形成的触发机制。⑷700hPa贝湖冷涡维持,西南暖涡北抬,两涡在阴山南北相遇的辐合流场建立,为塔尔湖暴雨提供了水汽和冷空气条件,也是干旱年份巴彦淖尔市暴雨预报的重要着眼点。  相似文献   
The ENSO’s Effect on Eastern China Rainfall in the Following Early Summer   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
ENSO’s effect on the rainfall in eastern China in the following early summer is investigated by using station precipitation data and the ERA-40 reanalysis data from 1958 to 2002. In June, after the El Nino peak, the precipitation is significantly enhanced in the Yangtze River valley while suppressed in the Huaihe River-Yellow River valleys. This relationship between ENSO and the rainfall in eastern China is established possibly through two teleconnections: One is related to the western North Pacific (WNP) ...  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR全球再分析资料、地面观测资料和自动站降水资料,分析了2018/2019年冬季浙江罕见连续阴雨寡照天气过程中冬季风环流和南支槽等环流异常,并从西风带波动、海温强迫等方面研究了局地环流异常的成因。结果表明:2018/2019年冬季连阴雨事件中雨日、日照破历史记录,雨量较常年同期明显偏多。主要的环流异常为西北太平洋异常反气旋(WNPAC)明显偏北,同时阿留申低压和西伯利亚高压亦偏北,东亚地区40°N以南有强的偏南风异常,冬季风偏弱;南支槽较常年偏强,保证了浙江上空有持续的水汽和扰动输送。对流层中层存在沿欧洲向东亚—西太平洋传播的波动能量,波能在东亚地区一直向南传播至20°N以南,可能导致WNPAC明显北抬和南支槽加强。ENSO是WNPAC的重要强迫源,ENSO暖位相使得海洋性大陆出现异常对流冷却,而浙江上空对流加强,ENSO对南支槽活动强度亦有明显的制约作用。中国近海海温偏高是WNPAC和阿留申低压明显偏北的重要影响因素。2018/2019年冬季局地环流异常可能由ENSO和中国近海海温协同强迫所致。  相似文献   
马音  陈文  王林 《气象学报》2011,69(2):334-343
基于中国160站57年(1951-2007年)的月降水量、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和哈得来中心的海表温度(SST)资料,将江淮梅雨分成淮河梅雨和江南梅雨,分别对这两部分的夏季梅雨期(6-7月)降水量进行了分析,并加以比较.结果表明:淮河和江南梅雨期的降水量存在明显的年际变化,但都没有显著的长期线性趋势;然而,从20世纪90年代末开始,淮河梅雨有显著增加的趋势,而江南梅雨则显著减少.在年际变化的时间尺度上,对应于淮河梅雨的多雨年,大气环流的异常表现为中高纬度的乌拉尔山东部和鄂霍次克海东部地区明显的双阻塞高压型(双阻型)分布,而西太平洋副热带高压(副高)的变化并不显著;副热带东亚地区高空的西风急流轴略有南移,在淮河流域上空形成了显著的西风异常,这使得急流入口区次级环流的异常上升支恰好位于淮河附近,同时北方的冷空气南下与副高西侧的西南气流交汇于淮河流域,这些都有利于降水集中在淮河区域.对应江南梅雨的多雨年,大气环流异常也表现出中高纬度的双阻型分布,但该双阻型的位置较淮河梅雨双阻型的位置明显偏西,特别是鄂霍次克海附近的阻塞高压;同时,西太平洋副高显著加强西伸,加之副热带东亚西风急流轴显著加强南移,从而在黄海到长江以南的大范围地区形成了显著的西风异常,由此引发的急流入口区次级环流的异常上升支主要位于长江以南地区,并且菲律宾附近的反气旋异常增强,使得北方的冷空气与副高西侧的西南气流交汇于江南流域,因此有利于降水集中在江南地区.进一步针对海温的分析表明,北太平洋白令海附近的海温是影响淮河梅雨的关键区,从前冬开始这一区域的正海温异常往往导致中国夏季淮河梅雨的增加;而对应江南梅雨的正异常,菲律宾附近的海温在同期夏季有显著的正异常,研究还发现该海温异常可能与前冬到前春赤道东印度洋附近的正海温异常有关.  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR日平均再分析资料,对梅雨期热带对流层上空东风带扰动影响西太平洋副热带高压短期东退的过程进行了合成诊断分析.结果表明:梅雨期西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)的短期东退与低纬热带地区上宅东风带扰动存在着密切的联系,本文给出了在西太副高异常东退前后东风带扰动的结构及其演变特征,揭示了东风带扰动所对应的...  相似文献   
The studies in China on the formation of the summertime subtropical anticyclone on the climate timescale are reviewed. New insights in resent studies are introduced. It is stressed that either in the free atmosphere or in the planetary boundary, the descending arm of the Hadley cell cannot be considered as a mechanism for the formation of the subtropical anticyclone. Then the theories of thermal adaptation of the atmosphere to external thermal forcing and the potential vorticity forcing are developed to understand the formation of the subtropical anticyclone in the three-dimensional domain. Numerical experiments are designed to verify these theories. Results show that in the boreal summer, the formation of the strong South Asian High in the upper troposphere and the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific in the middle and lower troposphere is, to a great extent, due to the convective latent heating associated with the Asian monsoon, but affected by orography and the surface sensible heating over the continents.On the other hand, the formation of the subtropical anticyclone at the surface over the northern Pacific and in the upper troposphere over North America is mainly due to the strong surface sensible heating over North America, but affected by radiation cooling over the eastern North Pacific. Moreover, in the real atmosphere such individual thermal forcing is well organized. By considering the different diabatic heating in synthesis, a quadruple heating pattern is found over each subtropical continent and its adjacent oceans in summer. A distinct circulation pattern accompanies this heating pattern. The global summer subtropical heating and circulation may be viewed as “mosaics” of such quadruplet heating and circulationpatterns respectively. At last, some important issues for further research in understanding and predicting the variations of the subtropical anticyclone are raised.  相似文献   
夏季南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压的相关性分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用1951—2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料研究夏季南亚高压与西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)的相关性。结果发现,夏季南亚高压与西太副高的联系密切,年际尺度上强度指数之间的显著正相关关系相对稳定,两者同时偏强(简称同强)与同时偏弱(简称同弱)的模态超过70%。当南亚高压与西太副高同强(同弱)时,西风急流偏强(偏弱),高纬度地区大气环流呈经向(纬向)型,太平洋EAP遥相关为正(负)位相。贯穿对流层中上层的中纬度纬向西风与高压强度异常有密切的联系,西风急流可作为中纬度地区连接两者作用的纽带。青藏高原与太平洋地区对流层的温度差异分布对当地的环流系统造成很大影响,高原热力异常和海温异常联系着高压系统的演变。南亚高压、西太副高的异常影响了整体东亚大气环流的配置,是了解不同纬度系统相互作用的又一着眼点。  相似文献   
We present a series of experimental investigations in which a differentially-heated annulus was used to investigate the effects of topography on rotating, stratified flows with similarities to the Earth’s atmospheric or oceanic circulation. In particular, we compare and investigate blocking effects via partial mechanical barriers to previous experiments by the authors utilising azimuthally-periodic topography. The mechanical obstacle used was an isolated ridge, forming a partial barrier, employed to study the difference between partially blocked and fully unblocked flow. The topography was found to lead to the formation of bottom-trapped waves, as well as impacting the circulation at a level much higher than the top of the ridge. This produced a unique flow structure when the drifting flow and the topography interacted in the form of an “interference” regime at low Taylor number, but forming an erratic “irregular” regime at higher Taylor number. The results also showed evidence of resonant wave-triads, similar to those noted with periodic wavenumber-3 topography by Marshall and Read (Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn., 2015, 109), though the component wavenumbers of the wave-triads and their impact on the flow were found to depend on the topography in question. With periodic topography, wave-triads were found to occur between both the baroclinic and barotropic components of the zonal wavenumber-3 mode and the wavenumber-6 baroclinic component, whereas with the partial barrier two nonlinear resonant wave-triads were noted, each sharing a common wavenumber-1 mode.  相似文献   
我国南方低温雨雪冰冻灾害期间阻塞高压异常特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用NCEP/NCAR 2.5°×2.5°再分析资料和PV-θ阻高指数,分析了2008年初我国南方发生的低温雨雪冰冻灾害。结果表明,欧亚大陆3个关键区的阻塞高压(简称阻高)在此次灾害发生的环流背景中起着非常重要的作用,并存在异常特征。与1950—2008年历史同期相比,2008年初乌拉尔山和贝加尔湖阻高发生的日数显著偏多,而鄂霍茨克海地区无阻高发生;乌拉尔山阻高的强度偏强,而贝加尔湖阻高的强度则偏弱;乌拉尔山地区最大PV-θ阻高指数发生的位置比大多数年份偏东,而贝加尔湖地区最大PV-θ阻高指数发生的位置比大多数年份偏西,这种位置的异常特征说明此次我国南方低温雨雪冰冻灾害期间欧亚大陆关键区阻高在位置上很集中。3个关键区的阻高在发生日数、强度以及位置上异常特征的共同配置,使得分裂出的小槽活动偏多,造成冷空气活动频繁并不断南下补给,加之此时的异常环流特征,共同造成这次低温雨雪冰冻灾害。  相似文献   
“8.18-19”山西中南部暴雨天气特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵桂香  范卫东  刘志斌  韩龙 《高原气象》2012,31(5):1309-1319
利用自动站加密资料、FY-2C卫星产品以及实况探测资料,对2010年8月18-19日发生在山西中南部多站暴雨和2个测站大暴雨的天气过程进行了综合分析。结果表明:(1)此次大范围强降水主要受500hPa切断低压、槽线和副热带高压(下称副高)的共同影响,副高边缘不断生成和消亡的中小尺度对流云团(2个一般对流云团和6个中尺度对流云团(包括1个MCC和5个MCS))是导致暴雨、大暴雨的直接系统;暴雨站上空TBB绝对值变化与降水变化有着较好的一致性。(2)此次降水过程,暴雨区非常分散,存在6个中心,分别表现出典型的β-中尺度和γ-中尺度特征,其分布呈现出双峰、单峰和孤立单峰等多种型式,具有先沿着500hPa引导气流向东北发展,再随着副高撤退又向东南压的特点。(3)地面自动站风场资料显示,此次暴雨天气过程存在涡旋降水、切变降水和辐合降水3种类型,其降水强度和持续时间均存在明显的差异,但暴雨落区却与它们和副高的相对位置有关。(4)A指数诊断揭示,高湿气团在高不稳定层结背景下,沿副高边缘不断抬升到高空,与来自高纬地区的强冷空气相遇,导致了强降水;在对流层中、高层,转化项是涡度发展的主要因子,使得垂直运动不断加强,成为不稳定大气的动力强迫因素。  相似文献   
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